Placement Testing Implementation Success: What You Need to Know, Test Developers Panel

Recorded On: 02/03/2016

Representatives from three major, nationally available placement testing programs will present on what test developers want campuses to know about choosing and implementing a new placement testing system. These experts in test development will speak generally about best practices in test development and how that relates to choosing an instrument. While each represents a placement testing product, their focus will be on their knowledge of placement test development and how that relates to successful implementation of a new placement testing system on college campuses, regardless of which instrument or product your campus is using.

Topics will include:

  • National conversations around placement testing
  • Designing a course placement program, not just selecting a test
  • Best practices/processes in choosing a placement instrument
  • On-going review and analysis of placement program effectiveness
  • Test validation in a placement testing environment
  • Sharing efficacy data with your administration and departments
  • What role should testing programs play in determining effective placement tools?
  • Evaluating the “True Cost” of your placement program (institutional costs and student cost)
    • o IT (SSO and data retrieval)
      o Cut scores
      o Accessibility
      o Proctoring vs un-proctoring
      o Research and data analytics

Dr. Jim Wollack, University of Wisconsin-Madison/Tailwind Placement
Chantel Reynolds, The College Board/Accuplacer
Richard Kolasa, ALEKS/McGraw-Hill Education

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